Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008


I got a little side-tracked with projects at home today and so
I only painted for a few hours at the library.
I didn't feel like being up on the ladder finishing the dragon
so I picked a different spot to work on.
The checkerboard floor is really books floating in space.
They are looking like I had hoped they would.
Lots of people stop and comment - they are very positive which is nice.
At this point I don't know when I'll get done,
but I'm still having so much fun painting this mural.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


STILL not done with the dragon.
Some folks at the library think there needs to be a contest to name her.

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Friday, December 26, 2008


I worked on the dragon all day...slow going...and she still isn't done.
Yes, the book will be bigger.
And yes, she will have large diamond rings and dangling earrings.
Should her book have a title? something like "Humans...fact or myth?"
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Worked on the mural for 7 hours today... just on the dragon. She is coming along nicely. I got up and down from the scaffolding a million times to step back and look at it. I finally have her proportions the way I want them and have the colors and the scales figured out. I only have the end of the tail completely done.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas


It is so nice when my "should do" list and my "want to do" list match. Paint, and then paint some more.

It was VERY quiet at the library today. Usually that place is hoppin' but the holiday and the weather kept people away. Tomorrow I'll get to crank up the music-that will keep me painting all day.

It doesn't look like I did much today, but I did enough to feel like I accomplished something.
I'm so thankful that everyone at the library is so patient and positive. I've changed my idea quite a bit and they still seem pleased. The design is still the same idea- that reading can let you imagine a whole new world. I don't have any really deep symbolism- just a lot of whimsy and fun. I'm hoping when it is all done that the shapes and colors keep the eye moving throughout the whole scene...keep you looking for more things hidden in odd places.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dec 22 2008

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Mon. Dec 22

If feels good to be back at the library working on the mural again.
With some help from my niece and nephew I got the Little Giant ladder in and set up as a scaffold. So I was able to sit while I did some of the stuff up high.

I love this little fish. I painted one like this at Lissa's house once. I worked from a photo and I don't know what kind it is, but it is cute.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, Dec 2nd

Back to working on the mural at the library. Brought back all the supplies after working on the baby room. Tonight I did lots of paint mixing and sketching. Have painted flowers and planets.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Heather and Joe's baby room

I should have been working at the library, but this was a fun mural to work on. Friday Heather's mom helped me get the basic colors on the walls and start the swirls and the trees.
As usual, it took me longer to paint than I anticipated. But it was relaxing to work on this whimsical room. Joe calls it the happy room and says he may have to sleep in here.

The colors and shapes mimic the crib linens that Heather bought. (Martex brand- "down under" set) Everything has either a pattern on it or is outlined. Even though I didn't use black (I wanted to keep it cheerful) I think the colors are strong enough to work with the black crib and dresser that will go in here.

A fun, productive way to spend the holiday weekend.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

more spots and squares

November 16, 2008
I had not painted for over a week. So yesterday and today I painted more background stuff. Lots of spots over to the left, and green squares in the sky. Can't get back in to paint again until Thursday. I'm hoping to make a lot of headway over Thanksgiving break.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday, Nov 2, 2008

The library is only open from 1-5 on Sundays...I just painted lots more spots today.

The Smolls came by today- they found the name of a bird that starts with X so that I can have a creature that starts with every letter of the alphabet. Can't wait to finish the large background areas so I can do the fun details.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, Nov 1, 2008 Lots of spots

So who says that the sky has to be blue and the ground has to be green? I had this discussion with a student this week. She showed up today while I was working. I heard her before I saw her..."see the sky is green...this has to be it"

You can't tell it from the photos, but I spent about 6 hours painting irregular spots today. And I'm still not done! It is tedious work, but I want all areas to either have realist images or areas of flat repeated patterns. Hidden images will be added to this area later.

So...for what reason did I pick these shapes?
a)because I wanted rough looking pebbles on this "ground".
b) these shapes repeat the spots on the giraffe.
c) these shapes resemble the ice cubes in my iced coffee.
Will anyone ever know the real reason???

The library tech guy took this photo.

Saturday, Nov 1, 2008 other mural artists at the library

This is Michael Bowman and a picture of his lastest work...still in progress. His mural is behind the Youth Services desk and extends around the corner. I didn't get a clear shot of the rest of it. Will try to include it later.

This is Jill Stockwell and a picture of her latest work...still in progress. It is located in the young childrens section of the library. She is also creating several characters on thin wood that can be moved to different locations around the library.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, October 27

After school I put in a few hours at the library. I finished the spots which is all I really wanted to finish today. Didn't get much else done, but did chat with an assortment of nice people.

Lissa is working on my list of animals. I want at least one creature for every letter of the alphabet. I was going to put one thing for each letter, now I want one creature and one object for each letter. I'm taking suggestions for any of these.

Also, I'm taking suggestions for quotes. I have been given a few and will have to post them soon so everyone can see which ones I'm considering.

It is a public space and my design is flexible so I figure I should take suggestions from all sorts of people.

Speaking of flexible. The people at the library are so accommodating. The space is the best ever because there is a work room right near where I'm painting. It has large tables for all my stuff and a sink for clean up. But the people that work at the library are even better than the space. They are so helpful and encouraging. I hope they speak up if I'm doing something they do not like- whether it has to do with supplies or the mural.

Until today I have been very self-conscious every time I climbed up the ladder. Ever since I fell last winter I've been a bit hesitant. But, today I didn't worry at all and was comfortable the whole time I was on the ladder. Whew...I'm glad for that, or this mural would have been a bit too stressful.

It was a good day.
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday 10-26-08 Starting to add patterns

So the library is not open for very long on Sunday.
I was able to paint for a little over three hours.
I worked on the wall where I need to transition from Mike's design to mine.
The bottom green area is doing what I want it to. The top green areas still need a lot more green circles before I can remove the blue painters tape.

This design is going to be full of texture and pattern. I don't want everything to be as dark or bold of color as I used today. I had to use these colors to get the transition I want. I don't want to use black in my painting, but had to because Mike did. The trees and dragon will be bolder color...and all the background color will be pale. That blue gray on much of the lower part will be softened a lot.

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